Simplicity. Sustainability. Beauty.

Discover Notte.

With our pads

You can remove most makeup with water.

Did we mention reusable?


Wake up feeling your best

Soothe, cleanse, and exfoliate. All in one go. Bring back the luster of your skin.


When you are on the go

No cleansers. No cotton pads. The perfect fit for your weekend away.


Sustainable impact

Take part in the movement. A modern skincare routine is sustainable.

For all skin types

A minimalistic approach ensures that our makeup removers do not strip the skin of its natural oils, maintaining the skin's natural barrier and moisture balance.


Gone are the days of last-minute trips to the store. Gently wash, then reuse.

Dermatological technology

Millions of ultra-fine fibers between 10 to 50 micrometers (μm) in diameter ensure thorough makeup removal. These fibers are up to 50 times finer than a human hair.

Våra artiklar

Bättre hudvård, mindre avfall: Fördelarna med återanvändbara mikrofiberpads

I takt med att allt fler i Sverige strävar efter att leva mer miljömedvetet blir valet av hudvårdsprodukter en viktig del av hållbarhetsresan. Ett enkelt men betydelsefullt steg är att...

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A letter from us

Who are we?

We are a Swedish company set out to create the perfect nighttime routine.

We believe in being meticulous and deliberate. To build our brand slowly and purposefully, focusing on one product at a time.

We focus on a few key values at Notte.

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Sustainability matters. You matter.

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